Nahi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
192109httpclientgives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby
211835webrickWEBrick is an HTTP server toolkit that can be configured as an HTTPS server, a proxy se...
31,5311,588jruby-opensslJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
42,0312,160avl_treeAVL tree, Red black tree and Lock-free Red black tree in Ruby
53,4617,913td-clientTreasure Data API library for Ruby
64,39414,011bouncy-castle-javaGem redistribution of "Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java cryptography APIs" jars at http...
74,80910,057tdCLI to manage data on Treasure Data, the Hadoop-based cloud data warehousing
85,0495,786soap4rAn implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby.
99,4495,516perfectqueueHighly available distributed cron built on RDBMS
1016,8068,464perfectschedHighly available distributed cron built on RDBMS
1153,47754,620embulk-plugin-input-sfdc-event-log-filesEmbulk plugin for Event Log Files input
1253,79618,028radix_treeNaive implementation of Radix Tree for Ruby
1365,18154,620fluent-plugin-modsecurity-audit-logModsecurity AuditLog input plugin for Fluentd
1466,05254,620modsecurity_audit_log_parserFor parsing AuditLog.
15133,88554,620socket_proxyCreates I/O pipes for TCP socket tunneling.