Bkeene's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7172,147active_hashIncludes the ability to specify data using hashes, yml files or JSON files
26,02595,321big-phoneySimple phone number parsing in Ruby
310,81395,321aws4The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body
419,76269,031memegenLocally generate two-caption 'Advice Dog'-style meme images
530,11022,399groupmemeGroupMe fork of meme_generator
632,45669,031paddockPaddock is an environment-based feature switch system.
742,46046,389groupme-paddockPaddock is an environment-based feature switch system.
863,74495,321dynamodbCommunicate with Amazon DynamoDB. Raw access to the full API without having to handle t...
977,36495,321cmdrkeene-foursquareRuby API for Foursquare (playfoursquare.com)
1093,20095,321paceResque-compatible job processing in an event loop
11117,87395,321bitmap-counterA unique id counter implemented with redis bitmaps. Count the unique users across a dat...
12125,96695,321weekday_calculatornth-weekday calculation and every nth weekday calculation