Walf443's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,25616,361bulk_loaderutility to avoid N+1 queries
232,49386,038classxMeta Framework extending and flexible attribute like Moose ( perl )
333,85912,408ipaddr_listThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
436,37535,920rack-auth-iprack middleware for restrict ip
542,89186,038rrailsremote run rails/rake command
651,12486,038rack-common_logger-fluentrack middleware for writing access log to fluentd.
765,89686,038date_time-smartwrapper of date_time using date_time-duration
873,71986,038path_observerThis library helps you writing program observing for some files or directorys easily.
985,18353,556rspec-fixtureTest::Base like DSL for RSpec
1087,04486,038function_importerrestrict importing methods and rename methods when include module.
1188,44186,038rate_throttlethrottle load of block by calling sleep
1296,39042,025guard-rrailsrun rrails on guard
13115,47786,038classx-pluggablemake your class to pluggable.
14116,25986,038date_time-durationHandle datetime duration easy
15125,12686,038rugemrugem is a wrapper of ruby command that can use gem library with -r option
16127,43853,556grizzlyA fast web server for JRuby on Rails.