Wojtekmach's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,3447,877minitest-metadataMetadata (key-value) support for minitest/spec
24,6658,241minitest-capybaraCapybara matchers support for minitest unit and spec
36,7414,826minitest-matchersAdds support for RSpec-style matchers
451,96959,086embedded_recordEmbed objects in a bitmask field. Similar to bitmask-attribute and friends
558,92259,086wojtekmach-cliCLI apps framework.
664,43924,889gem-install-branch-testgem-install-branch test gem
780,16159,086fakeapiFakeAPI o
880,68559,086gem-install-branchAllows to install gem straight from github branch
982,45359,086value_inspectProvides implementation of #inspect that is more readable and can be used in irb.
1087,49524,889rubygems-manifestCreate Manifest.txt
1193,79159,086attrsYet another attributes on steroids gem
1296,05259,086readmexecReadmexec grabs commands from your README and runs them.
13106,20114,619rubyfmtRuby port of gofmt
14111,48159,086any_valueCollection of helper methods for testing "shape" of the data
15131,87159,086pokerPoker hand evaluator
16145,57759,086strict_konfExtend Konf to require/whitelist fields