1 | 10,336 | 8,630 | anticipate | Fluent interface for try-rescue-sleep-retry-abort |
2 | 24,513 | 61,367 | bbc-a11y | A tool for testing the compliance of web URLs against the BBC's accessibilty guidelines |
3 | 29,541 | 61,367 | lackie | Automates remote applications using an HTTP middleman |
4 | 60,392 | 61,367 | cappie | Instant capybara/cucumber/rspec/selenium-webdriver configuration for any web app |
5 | 66,114 | 61,367 | rack-stubs | Rack middleware for stubbing responses from HTTP web services |
6 | 76,796 | 61,367 | procession | Runs a process and blocks until it starts properly |
7 | 105,134 | 61,367 | pogo-script | Ruby PogoScript is a bridge to the JS PogoScript compiler. |
8 | 139,896 | 61,367 | pogo-script-source | PogoScript is a programming language that emphasises readability, is
friendly to ... |