Joshski's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,3078,549anticipateFluent interface for try-rescue-sleep-retry-abort
224,45240,936bbc-a11yA tool for testing the compliance of web URLs against the BBC's accessibilty guidelines
329,43519,982lackieAutomates remote applications using an HTTP middleman
460,346107,996cappieInstant capybara/cucumber/rspec/selenium-webdriver configuration for any web app
565,94766,011rack-stubsRack middleware for stubbing responses from HTTP web services
676,59566,011processionRuns a process and blocks until it starts properly
7104,960107,996pogo-scriptRuby PogoScript is a bridge to the JS PogoScript compiler.
8139,660107,996pogo-script-sourcePogoScript is a programming language that emphasises readability, is friendly to ...