Brianmario's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1186346mysql2A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
2434459yajl-rubyRuby C bindings to the excellent Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.
3623521ruggedRugged is a Ruby bindings to the libgit2 linkable C Git library. This is for testing an...
4803563charlock_holmescharlock_holmes provides binary and text detection as well as text transcoding using li...
5809591escape_utilsQuickly perform HTML, URL, URI and Javascript escaping/unescaping
61,2772,486posix-spawnposix-spawn uses posix_spawnp(2) for faster process spawning
73,7674,595fast_xsfast_xs provides C extensions for escaping text. The original String#fast_xs method is...
816,89836,592bzip2-rubyRuby C bindings to libbzip2.
927,154129,722utf8A lightweight UTF8-aware String class meant for use with Ruby 1.8
1052,64028,596mochiloA ruby library for BananaPack
1159,97854,880editorconfigEditorConfig core library written in Ruby
1290,096129,722streamlyA streaming REST client for Ruby, in C.
13121,810100,830mimetexrbNative bindings for the MimeTex library
14143,046100,830ohsnapRuby library for the Snappy compression algorithm
15156,563100,830orca-rubyWrite a longer description or delete this line.