Camhine's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,86772,875onixA convient mapping between ruby objects and the ONIX XML specification
222,75872,875rvistarvista is a small library for reading Vista HDS files.
333,09272,875titlepageThis library is designed to assist with using the SOAP API.
442,24872,875editxA convient mapping between ruby objects and the various EDItX XML specifications
542,26872,875rbookThe rbook series of gems provide libraries for working with bibliographic data. This ps...
642,88772,875gbipgbip is a small library to interact with the API. The API is b...
751,06030,087bisacThis library is designed to make working with various BISAC file formats easier.
853,37572,875rbook-pacstreamThis library is designed to assist with using the PACSTREAM electronic ordering service...
957,76972,875sana (very) small library for working with Standard Address Numbers.
1062,32272,875rbook-onixThis library is designed to make working with the book industries ONIX standard easier.
1174,38172,875rbook-titlepageThis library is designed to assist with using the SOAP API.
1274,47772,875rbook-bisacThis library is designed to make working with various BISAC file formats easier.
1379,76472,875rbook-isbnThis library is designed to make working with both 10 and 13 digit ISBNs easier.
1493,41072,875rbook-gbipgbip is a small library to interact with the API. The API is ba...
15123,65872,875pacstreamThis library is designed to assist with using the PACSTREAM electronic ordering service...