#3472's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
134,87113,614production_chainA rails plugin that incorporate various libs, recipes and tasks
249,23263,432novekuA set of heroku aliases meant to speed up heroku interaction when dealing with multilpl...
358,27663,432capistranovelysCapistrano recipes in use at novelys
458,54163,432gomonA set of ruby classing wrapping mongodb cli tools, making them pleasant to integrate to...
576,39463,432static_listIn your application you may want to handle things in your User model like sex (female, ...
684,52963,432cockatooCockatoo is a simple chat server coded with EventMachine and using the Long Polling tec...
7117,42230,305easy-vimeoEasyVimeo is an object wrapper around the Ruby Vimeo API to easily upload videos to Vim...
8123,71563,432novelys-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
9128,69163,432paiement_cicPaiement CIC is a gem to ease credit card payment with the CIC / Crédit Mutuel banks s...