Foca's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,88661,367sinatra-content-forSmall Sinatra extension to add a content_for helper similar to Rails'
223,61261,367protestProtest is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test framework for ruby.
334,49761,367integrityYour Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
447,56761,367bobBob the Builder will build your code. Simple.
550,42133,893sinatra-authorizationHTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra.
654,20525,716beaconSimple and straightforward observers for your code
759,98161,367bobetteBob's sister
870,88661,367integrity-emailEasily let Integrity send emails after each build
979,04161,367bob-the-builderBob the Builder will build your code. Simple.
1087,86761,367sinatra-dittiesA series of plugins and useful helpers for the Sinatra web framework
1189,87561,367integrity-ircIRC notifier for the Integrity continuous integration server
1292,41161,367undressSimply translate HTML to Textile, Markdown, or whatever other markup format you need
13112,72361,367bob-testtest helpers shared among Bob, Bobette and Integrity
14116,42341,086ninjaRun background tasks easily
15122,59361,367integrity-campfireEasily let Integrity alert Campfire after each build
16124,56261,367transporterDeliver packages in multiple ways simultaneously (email, jabber, campfire, irc, etc.)
17125,69861,367rack-unbasicElegant workflow for Rack::Auth::Basic
18125,86661,367testiclesTesticles is a tiny, simple, and easy-to-extend test framework
19126,97061,367transporter-campfireDeliver messages to your Campfire room