Max_lapshin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,17842,703rutilsDEPRECATED processing of russian strings
228,13374,483ruby-exiv2Exiv2 (exif image tags handling) library driver
337,52274,483image_procA no-frills image resizer, with pluggable backends. No extra software required on OS X
441,12930,041attacheableFork of attachment_fu. It differs in following ways: 1. Can work with merb uploads ...
549,67874,483intersysIntersystems Cache ruby driver
658,01937,086mysql2psqlIt can create postgresql dump from mysql database or directly load data from mysql to ...
759,57174,483nmeaTo use NMEA parser, you should somehow get data stream from your gps device.
873,93942,703wiretapWireTap driver
9121,65874,483kladrImporter of russian classificator of addresses