Dbalatero's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1188187typhoeusLike a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs ...
23,0626,841levenshtein-ffiProvides a fast, cross-Ruby implementation of the levenshtein distance algorithm.
35,2448,396capybara-chromedriver-loggerAdds realtime console.log output to Capybara + Selenium + Chromedriver
46,0565,983linguaProvides sentence splitting, syllable, and text-quality algorithms.
521,28834,964monster_mashProvides a fun HTTP interface on top of Typhoeus!
629,868147,291alchemy_apiProvides a client API library for AlchemyAPI's awesome NLP services. Allows you to make...
739,371147,291deadlinezMakes it easy to handle After the Deadline AJAX proxying and their API.
848,25247,929typhoeus_spec_cacheA plugin to help you dynamically manage HTTP caching for your specs.
950,59653,644mailchimp_sesAllows you to call MailChimp <-> Amazon SES integration methods.
1056,27053,644piston_apiProvides a Ruby interface to the MediaPiston API.
1158,80947,929signed_requestA simple gem that allows you to sign HTTP requests between two parties with a shared se...
1270,915107,887aidA library to make repo scripts easy and discoverable.
13108,988107,887mixpanel_typhoeusThis wraps the Mixpanel API with a serial/parallel Typhoeus interface.
14124,172107,887musician_analyticsI wrote this quick library for aggregating analytics for my band, Operation ID. I wante...
15132,663147,291deploy_changesLets you check if files/directories have changed in Git between last run