Mislav's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1418842will_paginatewill_paginate provides a simple API for performing paginated queries with Active Record...
2957568gemojiCharacter information and metadata for Unicode emoji.
31,189769version_sorterVersionSorter is a C extension that does fast sorting of large sets of version strings.
45,9174,007ripper-tagsfast, accurate ctags generator for ruby source code using Ripper
56,1077,778hub`hub` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git`. It can used on...
68,83112,060rspec-rails-mochaPorts functionality of mock_model and stub_model from rspec-rails using Mocha.
79,19410,434choicesEasy settings for your app
816,21386,038faraday-stackGreat Faraday stack for consuming all kinds of APIs
916,94215,327nibblerNibbler is a super simple and powerful declarative generic scraper written in under 70 ...
1017,60386,038git-hubThe `git-hub' gem has been renamed `hub'.
1121,87623,626git-deployA tool to install useful git hooks on your remote repository to enable push-based, Hero...
1226,89020,749mingoMingo is a minimal document-object mapper for MongoDB.
1332,67026,609twitter-loginRack endpoint to provide login with Twitter functionality
1444,12320,054gorgeousConvert between different data formats; prettify JSON, HTML and XML
1554,44186,038facebook-loginEasy integration with Facebook Graph for your application
1657,76553,556polyamoryA cli runner for all tests regardless of framework
1763,46186,038textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
1863,63886,038twinRack middleware to expose a Twitter-like API in your app.
1971,92386,038mislav-rspactorRSpactor is a command line tool to automatically run your changed specs (much like auto...
2073,62653,556never-forgetNever Forget is a layer of persistence for exceptions thrown in a Rack application at r...
2178,07235,920jekyll-reloadedJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
2285,59486,038mislav_contactsRuby library for consuming Google, Yahoo!, Flickr and Windows Live contact APIs
2393,20686,038remarkRemark turns simple HTML documents or content in web pages to Markdown source.