Soawesomeman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,77211,504mimetype-fuget the mimetype of a file directly in Ruby NOTICE: I am So Awesome Man! I'm just forki...
214,31661,367glueThe Glue gem enables posting to API service using an account subdomain, use...
358,14361,367AptDownloaderApt-Downloader is intended as a useful tool for developers working on embedded linux. ...
468,36961,367featherdustFeatherdust is a simple Twitter gem that grabs and parses data via the Twitter API. NO...
573,96433,893WillsItunesProjectReads itunes data from itunes library XML files and provides useful information regard...
687,63541,086GrokITunes* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates ...
787,94029,456MeChallengeThis command line utility simulates n number of personal challenge combats in the PBM g...
887,94841,086imineParses an iTunes XML file and provides useful data. Also includes a command-line tool t...
989,43761,367iTunesAmazonThis is a handy little program that provides super useful stats about your iTunes libra...
1090,47733,893MiniMarkupThis is a very simplified version of how Textile works and also adds some fixes if you ...
1190,76441,086cheebaSimple data serialization like YAML, but in pure Ruby and without dependencies.
1292,38361,367RusaMemberExtract data from RUSA web site to get members information, results, awards
1396,74161,367awesomeThis is a namespace for my summer 2010 project.
14115,97661,367concert_calendarCreate a personalized concert calendar and host it on your own server for subscription....
15116,38561,367DebianPackageDownloaderDebian Package Downloader is (going to be when completed) a useful tool for embedded de...
16118,62661,367FlightSearcherScreen-scrapes a couple of sites fo Flight prices and availability.
17119,32761,367grok-itunes* A regex based parser that processes the ITunes Music Library.xml file and generates a...
18120,29633,893nested_ostructConvert nested OpenStruct to Hash
19121,38241,086IsHealthyAggMonitors multiple URLs for a configured string. Expects to find the string on at least...
20121,60833,893PheldItunesReporterPheldItunesReporter provides a library and corresponding executable script that calcula...
21121,88661,367itilityThis simple itility parses your itunes library XML file and outputs song statistics. I...
22123,45661,367sbs2003_contacts* A small utiltity library to help alleviate the tedium of managing the contacts and e-...
23131,41961,367routespecRSpec test writing automation for request testing routes exposed in config/routes.rb
24133,10361,367randintCreates positive integer with specified number of digits (i.e., specified "length" when...
25141,79461,367famousChecks if famous yet...
26147,41361,367amf-rubyRuby Gem for serializing and deserializing AMF