Digitpaint's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,47131,663rogerSee homepage for more information.
219,21015,080html_mockupHTML Mockup is a set of tools to create self-containing HTML mockups.
332,99753,556roger_themesCreate themes and release them as static site
435,40153,556deployableThis library contains commonly used capistrano tasks, a couple of default recipes and e...
540,74653,556roger_sneakpeekWill upload the current release to the Sneakpeek server.
644,96653,556roger_style_guideStyleguide plugin for Roger
746,40386,038roger_sasscSass plugin for Roger based on libsass
847,23553,556roger_autoprefixerRack middleware and processor for using autoprefixer with Roger.
954,84786,038skylinecmsSkyline is an extremely flexible and expandable open source content management system. ...
1059,19631,663roger_scsslintLint SCSS files within Roger, using scss-lint. Will use .scss-lint.yml.
1160,76253,556roger_jshintLint JavaScript files from within Roger, using jshint. Will use .jshintrc.
1261,20286,038roger_yuicompressorProcessor for using yuicompressor to minify CSS/JS
1364,07886,038personifyPersonfify is meant for use in environments where templates just need to be personalized.
1470,73386,038roger_requirejsProcessor for using the r.js optimizer in Roger.
1584,16053,556trelloscrumGenerates PDF's with (+/-) one page per card with title, body and checklists. Print 4 o...
1690,76086,038roger_eslintLint JavaScript files from within Roger, using eslint. Will use .eslintrc.
1797,44086,038roger_sassProcessor Sass to process CSS/JS
18102,60753,556sass-fontimageA small extension for SASS that generates images from icon fonts
19152,68186,038roger_w3cvalidatorMiddleware and Tester to validate your HTML within Roger
20166,66486,038roger_url_relativizerProcessor for relativizing URL's templates