Jarrettc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,9885,798sanitize-urlThis gem provides a module called SanitizeUrl, which you can mix-in anywhere you like. ...
222,88885,863echo_uploadsGracefully handles invalid form submissions, so users don't have to resubmit the file. ...
323,69460,164rbbcodeConverts BBCode to HTML. Gracefully handles invalid input.
424,94485,863firRack-based, Passenger-compatible, with pretty URLs and simple HTTP API for managing con...
526,41885,863ichibanStatic website compiler with advanced features, including watcher script.
628,00614,837authlogic_email_tokenAdds email_token and email_token_updated_at columns. Works like Authlogic's perishable_...
745,00634,713buscarSimplifies searching, sorting, and pagination of ActiveRecord models. Includes a model ...
853,60585,863suhyoMatchers built on Webrat to address some common needs in web app testing
958,23034,713cached_uploadsCaches file uploads when validation fails.
1082,79085,863erb_parserParses ERB templates into two types of tokens: Plain text and ERB tags. Special support...
11101,75342,915unexceptionalProvides a Result class for more elegant, exception-free error handling. Especially use...
12107,68949,460unicode_alphanumericRemoves, replaces, transforms, or detects non-alphanumeric Unicode characters in a string
13115,47760,164cuke-testPackaging some Cucumber steps as a gem? Test them with Cuke Test.
14119,71885,863password_validationProvides validates :password for ActiveModel
15159,68085,863question_compilerCompiler for Number Stories questions