Ultragreen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,7368,356prometheus-splashPrometheus Logs and Batchs supervision over PushGateway and commands orchestration
240,44041,916cariocaCarioca 2: is a complete rewrite who provide a full IoC/DI light Container and a servic...
340,51163,432ldapmapperLdapmapper : provide CRUD object for LDAP data manipulations
453,46563,432UG_RRobotsUltragreen RRobots Fork
567,23716,639rack-auth-ldaprack-auth-ldap : provide LDAP authentication for Rack middelware
670,73663,432methodicMethodic : provide Hash table options arguments manager (specifications and validations
780,47612,967sc4rySc4ry provide the design pattern Circuit breaker for your application.
881,79563,432codetreeScan code to map methods or classes or modules and build tree of modules namespaces
990,20630,305dorsalDorsal : Druby Objects's Ring Server as an simple Alternative to Linda
1094,56263,432attr_readonlyProvide a new macro like attr_accessor to make real read_only accessors to frozen dup o...
11116,17963,432cvstoolsCvstools : provide object bindings on CVS SCM
12121,56516,639rack-rest-rspecRack-rest-rspec: RSpec Matchers for REST Rack webservice
13154,84763,432thotthe simpliest way to template in Ruby and command
14158,06463,432appifierAppifier : Applications templating and management tools
15165,23063,432jyronJYRon : provide facilities to maniplate, convert, querying, storing transportables objects
16167,16163,432sinatra-swagger-exposer-ngThis Sinatra extension enable you to add metadata to your code to expose your API as a ...
17170,09363,432clearestClearest: command line tools for REST (Rack/Sinatra) API generation
18171,31230,305fixturizerRuby fixturizer tools for applications testing