Kitplummer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,17063,432pdftohtmlrUses command-line pdftohtml tools to convert PDF files to HTML.
260,83463,432pachuber%q{Just a simple Ruby library to provides Ruby-style abstraction around the HTTP API at...
373,34963,432lita-cronA Lita handler for creating cron-spec'd replies.
475,21563,432phidgets4rJust a simple Ruby library to provide Ruby-style abstraction around the Phidgets C libr...
575,63522,084robut-cronRobut cron plugin
697,57125,458ruote-stompStomp participant/listener pair for ruote 2.2
7105,83463,432antiwordrUses command-line antiword tools to convert Docs to text.
8108,07963,432lowendinsightLowendinsight gleens information for project dependency specifications including transi...
9122,96263,432gotemprGoTemp! interface library for simple Ruby use.