1 | 59,622 | 86,038 | vose | Vose: Sample random values from a discrete probability distribution. |
2 | 86,419 | 86,038 | goldstar-is_paranoid | ActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actua... |
3 | 86,531 | 86,038 | bryanl-gherkin | A fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler. |
4 | 88,060 | 35,920 | goldstar-activemerchant | Framework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions. |
5 | 88,417 | 86,038 | goldstar-metric_fu | Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ... |
6 | 89,287 | 86,038 | goldstar-sunspot_rails | Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library |
7 | 91,933 | 86,038 | yummy | ruby del.icio.us api |
8 | 118,833 | 86,038 | bryanl-skype | Unofficial Skype Api wrapper |
9 | 123,915 | 86,038 | goldstar-ansi | Use ANSI codes in printed output, including colors and controlling the cursor, clearing... |
10 | 126,197 | 86,038 | wireframe | Generate images suitable for wireframes |
11 | 156,595 | 86,038 | bryanl-facebooker2 | Facebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails |