Xaviershay's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
199119simplecovCode coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c...
2102115simplecov-htmlDefault HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
32,3462,713fivematMiniTest/RSpec/Cucumber formatter that gives each test file its own line of dots
43,2775,059caneFails your build if code quality thresholds are not met
59,31814,567rspec-fireMore resilient test doubles for RSpec.
615,10517,414consul-clientRuby client library for Consul HTTP API.
721,55314,567kronicA dirt simple library for parsing and formatting human readable dates
829,773105,340lesstileConverts text formatted with an exceedingly simple markup language into valid HTML (iro...
936,64745,403sq-dbsyncColumn based, timestamp replication of MySQL and Postgres databases.
1040,516105,340db2s3db2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S3
1154,63062,315dm-nested-transactionsOnly tested with Postgres and Oracle, and it's a bit of a hack, so use at your own risk!
1259,904105,340jetpackJetpack prepares your jRuby project for jvm deployment.
1360,046105,340kamelCreate KML files for tasty overlays on google earth and google maps
1463,19362,315poniardA dependency injector for Rails, allows you to write clean controllers.
1564,145105,340buildhawkDisplay historical stats about your build
1776,68637,338xtdoMinimal and fast command line todo manager
1899,66762,315roborabbAlgorithmically generate practice drum scores
19115,055105,340tree_filterFilter arbitrary data trees with a concise query language.
20117,808105,340dm-checked-typesProperty types that add CHECK constraints to your DB and validations to your model. Dat...
21120,289105,340gnucash2ledgerConvert GnuCash files to a format supported by the ledger command line application
22122,03362,315perlPerl is awesome
23123,481105,340failtrainAll aboard the fail train
24126,170105,340snippetemA DSL for creating snipmate.vim snippets
26138,82162,315mnemonickerAn aid for remembering numbers
27142,022105,340consul-fsMount the Consul KV store as a filesystem