Soma's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,55413,641banktools-deValidate and normalize German Bankleitzahl (BLZ) and bank account numbers. Also it conv...
218,42020,500AddressBookImporterThe author was too lazy to write a description
320,15221,222AdoccaMemcacheBased on memcache-client by robotco...
421,21577,834CachedSupermodelBased on cached_model by robotcoop&...
523,89029,010ActsAsFastNestedSetThe author was too lazy to write a description
634,51131,484babelRyan Davis is too lazy to write a description
737,22039,221acts_as_cachedCaching helpers for Rails
843,20654,488thomasBayes classifier using memcached
954,58939,221ActsAsEscaped== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Hash access to attributes bypasses acts_as_cached == SYNOPSYS: ...
1061,08154,488prawn_cocktail_railsSimple documents, templates and helpers on top of Prawn. In Ruby on Rails.
1194,20877,834ServeWebdavWebdav protocol abstraction for rails controllers
12113,12277,834caffeineA Ruby binding for libmemcache + extra functionality (namespaces)
13134,89254,488economic-ocrGenerates OCR numbers with an extra e-conomic flavor