Abedra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,06220,946log_buddyLog statements along with their name easily. Mixin a logger everywhere when you need it.
219,25797,699cap_gunSuper simple capistrano deployment notifications.
320,79311,258tarantulaTarantula is a big fuzzy spider. It crawls your Rails 2.3 and 3.x applications, fuzzing...
432,14236,605calfiltercalfilter is a small library to assist in writing filtering programs for icalendar fi...
538,03515,872spec_converterConvert your tests to test/spec specs. See http://github.com/relevance/spec_converter/...
651,75697,699obsidianIt's metastable
774,91453,223runcoderunruncoderun command line gem
885,81797,699frozen_gems_generatorThe frozen_gems generator gives your Rails application its own private gem library, in ...
988,77297,699iiiA Simplified way to access the Innovative Interfaces Patron API written by Aaron Bedra