1 | 22,413 | 20,749 | global_registry | This gem wraps an API for the Global Registry. |
2 | 29,280 | 42,025 | siebel_donations | This gem wraps an API to get donation, donor and account information out of Siebel Donor. |
3 | 35,214 | 53,556 | cru_lib | Provides a common interface for mapping ActiveRecord models to Global Registry entities... |
4 | 48,633 | 42,025 | enforce_schema_rules | A macro-style method that will automatically read the database
contraints (null req... |
5 | 49,259 | 22,512 | infobase | This gem wraps an API for the Infobase. |
6 | 63,039 | 86,038 | attributes_history | Date-granular history for specified model fields. Compact & easy to query. |
7 | 64,941 | 86,038 | omniauth-prayer-letters | Prayer Letters strategy for omniauth |
8 | 65,489 | 31,663 | identity_linker | Ruby library for accessing Cru's Identity Linking system |
9 | 66,878 | 28,793 | fe | A rails engine that facilitates question/answer stuff |
10 | 71,155 | 86,038 | relay_api_client | Client for the Relay API |
11 | 86,291 | 86,038 | gcx_api | Ruby library for the GCX API |
12 | 108,148 | 86,038 | omniauth-pls | PLS strategy for omniauth |
13 | 133,130 | 86,038 | fusion-client | Ruby client for interaction with Callinoi's Fusion API. |