A2800276's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,6818,621iso8583Ruby implementation of ISO 8583 financial messaging
223,562108,739helloThis is a short project description.
334,22466,440simplehttpWrapper around net/http to provide quick and dirty http access.
450,586108,739hexyThis is a short project description.
558,47166,440kivaWrapper to the kiva web api. The API is described in more detail here: http://developer...
665,337108,739cmdlineLibrary used to handle command line arguments.
784,47466,440DBrbDBrb is a database access layer meant to be easier and more consistant to use than ruby...
8127,766108,739iso7816Utilities to provided ISO 7816 smartcard functionality
9128,371108,739tlvlib for handling tlv (der) and dgi encoded data