Alles's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,6964,371constructorDeclarative means to define object properties by passing a hash to the constructor, whi...
25,3486,150hex_stringString extensions to convert binary data to / from human readable hex tuples.
315,81213,218diyConstructor-based dependency injection container using YAML input.
426,52161,367hardmockA strict, ordered, expectation-oriented mock object library. DISCONTINUED AS OF JAN 201...
534,50019,101migration_test_helpermigration_test_helper makes testing your migrations easier by adding helper methods to...
642,94061,367behaviorsDEPRECATED! behaviors will no longer be maintained. We recommend switching to shoulda ...
753,99541,086publisherpublisher is a module for extending a class with event subscription and firing capabili...
869,08361,367birdbathbirdbath makes testing your migrations easier by adding helper methods to Test::Unit::...