Lachie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,96463,432angry_hashA stabler mash with different emphases. Used in plus2 projects AngryMob and Igor.
220,34363,432lachie-tapptap { pp self }
323,13341,916weatherzoneRuby client for the weatherzone webservice.
430,51163,432peace_loveA simple mixin layer for enhancing hashes retrieved from MongoDB. It eschews the normal...
534,46263,432whereuatAdds a toolbar to your rails app that directs your clients to test stories that have be...
642,05014,438seesaw== DESCRIPTION: seesaw: [verb] to change rapidly from one state or condition to anothe...
749,24325,458goto_string== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Partial string matching * The algorithm is not particularly pe...
852,56963,432bagmanWe built Bagman for a project. We wanted fast prototyping and development, and some lev...
961,80663,432simple-form-builderExtends ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder with simple, best practices markup.
1071,97063,432http_vanilliHttpVanilli gives you lip-synced http connections with pluggable band members for testing.
1172,28525,458plus2_versionAdds a page to your app for verifying the version of the code currently running. It dis...
1393,96225,458ringbarker== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Parses the Rails log. * Recognises Processing...Completed bloc...
14104,56963,432airbedairbed makes camping restful
15108,81263,432angry_mob_common_targetsAngryMob Common Targets are a set of essential, reusable targets to get you started wit...
16109,17963,432angry_mobAngryMob is the automated system configuration component of YesMaster. It combines con...
17123,01163,432igorA rack inspired approach to message queue workers.