Jdleesmiller's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15067rubyziprubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files
210,94141,916rubyzip-bzip2The rubyzip-bzip2 gem provides an extension of the rubyzip gem for reading zip files co...
325,90063,432gemmaGemma is a gem development helper like hoe and jeweler, but it keeps the gemspec in a g...
430,60512,967relax4Ruby interface for the RELAX IV code by D.P. Bertsekas and P. Tseng.
542,15219,893rack-param_to_cookieStore selected request parameters to cookies for use in future requests. Useful for aff...
662,60063,432omniauth-figshareAn OmniAuth Strategy for the figshare API. You can use it to authenticate users against...
765,45341,916finite_mdpThis library provides several ways of describing a finite Markov Decision Process (MDP)...
873,05541,916discrete_eventSome simple primitives for event-based discrete event simulation.
992,72041,916event_stateA small embedded DSL for implementing stateful protocols in EventMachine using finite s...
1099,10563,432syscallsAn extension that lists the system's supported syscalls (e.g. SYS_open, SYS_write, etc.)
1199,74430,305push_safetyThe gem push command makes it incredibly easy to publish your gems... maybe a little to...
12119,97063,432cross_entropyIncludes solvers for continuous and discrete multivariate optimisation problems.
13125,42941,916rucasThe beginnings of a computer algebra system in ruby.
14162,19763,432compare_compressorsCompare compression algorithms (gzip, bzip2, xz, etc.) for a sample of documents.
15163,36063,432key_value_nameStore key-value pairs in file names, e.g. parameter names and parameters.