Deadlyicon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169,43326,806simple_structSimpleStruct is a lighter weight struct then ruby's standard struct.
283,33066,923activepagemakes using activepage.js in ruby a snap
3102,46126,806safe_moneyrepresent cents with safe arithmetic
4104,98130,535simple-redis-serverstarts a redis server
5105,30166,923options_hash-method_objectA MethodObject with an OptionsHash built in
6108,24866,923nvlopeRuby wrapper for the API
7112,64235,214rickrollgives you the rickroll command
8115,37066,923activerecord-fixture_builderA simple fixture builder for active record
9122,30843,406set-combinationDefined Set#* and returns a Set::Combination
10123,66266,923to-javascriptExtends ActiveSupport adding: - to_js method to all objects that support to_json - Java...
11125,53266,923assets_servercompiles and serves static assets
12134,13366,923chronologikeygenerated keys based on a shared secret and the current time
13136,54966,923options_hashA configurable options hash definition
14137,70143,406devbootcampcommon code among internal devbootcamp apps
15141,35466,923xmlrpc-racka rack app that serves a XMLRPC::BasicServer