Maccman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6713,377nestfulSimple Ruby HTTP/REST client with a sane API
22,7843,371clearbitAPI client for
34,4064,345sourcemapRuby source maps
49,3036,220maccman-mashA fork of a Mash library.
59,5409,279clearbit-slackPush rich Clearbit enrichment data in a Slack channel.
610,68223,402roauthSimple Ruby OAuth library
712,19061,367juggernautUse Juggernaut to easily implement realtime chat, collaboration, gaming and much more!
815,45761,367sprockets-commonjsAdds CommonJS support to Sprockets
916,41661,367spine-railsThis gem provides Spine for your Rails 3 application.
1016,43461,367bowlineRuby/JS GUI framework
1119,49829,456supermodelIn memory DB using ActiveModel
1222,15861,367stripe-clia git-style cli, offering a friendly, intuitive interface to all of the Stripe API righ...
1322,82261,367stitch-rbA JavaScript package manager
1431,65219,101macgapCommand line utility for generating MacGap applications
1533,4739,444rack-standardsIE standards headers for Rack
1645,79661,367bowline-bundlerAn easy way to vendor gem dependencies for Bowline apps
1749,17061,367apihubAPI client for
1849,24561,367sinatra-pubsubServer Sent Events for Sinatra
1952,25521,627maccman-phantomrbAn interface with PhantomJS for Ruby.
2052,98961,367sparrow# Sparrow is a really fast lightweight queue written in Ruby that speaks memcached. # ...
2153,32361,367scriberRecord class changes to disk, then replay them.
2254,25061,367cft-sourceJavaScript source code for the CFT (CoffeeScript fragment template) compiler
2358,04561,367ponchoPoncho is an API to build REST APIs with a convenient DSL.
2458,51461,367sprockets-memcache-storeA Memcache store for Sprockets using Dalli
2558,96161,367catapultA Sprockets/Rack build tool
2659,89529,456sheet_reader_writerA gem to read and write to google spreadsheets
2761,55661,367treviAn opinionated Sinatra structure
2864,98461,367cftRuby CFT is a bridge to the official JavaScript CFT compiler.
2968,08261,367countermanFast and furious tracking system using Redis hash operations
3068,32661,367remailRESTful email
3174,26761,367dhashCalculate Dhash on images
3276,18761,367clearbit-leadscoreScore email addresses
3379,07461,367apihub-ballerScore email addresses
3488,60361,367sprockets-source-urlAdds SourceURL support to Sprockets
3588,91861,367time-utilsSome useful time utilities
3692,53861,367socialmodRuby libraries for Socialmod moderation service
3793,30761,367ichabodIchabod allows headless JavaScript testing using WebKit from the command line.
3898,14333,893phonegap-buildGenerate PhoneGap applications from the command-line
3999,39761,367apihub-leadscoreScore email addresses
40103,11061,367humanapiAPI client for HumanAPI
41125,54961,367rbyteRuby byte compile lib
42126,06861,367syncroSync Ruby classes between clients.
43128,29861,367holmesParse require calls out of JavaScript
44131,21541,086omniauth-humanapiOmniAuth strategy for HumanAPI.
45165,57241,086omniauth-clearbitOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Clearbit.