Atd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7893,390mailboxerA Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
27,0626,820social_streamSocial Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine for building social network websites. It suppor...
37,9177,052social_stream-baseSocial Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
49,9978,614social_stream-documentsSocial Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
510,5418,732social_stream-presenceSocial Stream Presence provides everything you need for including presence, instant mes...
611,4579,437social_stream-eventsSocial Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
711,46623,794avatars_for_railsA Rails engine that allows any model to act as avatarable, permitting it to have a comp...
815,87911,721social_stream-linkserSocial Stream Linkser provides Linkser support in Social Stream, the core for building ...
918,54554,789linkserLinkser is a link parser for Ruby. It gets an URI, tries to dereference it and returns ...
1023,69454,789rails-schedulerScheduler support: daily, weekly and montly repetitions
1124,46526,552rails_engine_decoratorsExtend Rails Engine's business logic (models, controllers, helpers, etc.) easily from y...
1231,81515,401social_stream-ostatusThis gem allow you to connect several social stream nodes using PSHB hubs, also allows ...
1333,03754,789ging-opengraphA very simple Ruby library for parsing Open Graph prototocol information from websites....
1434,29718,141social_cheesecakeWrapper gem for socialCheesecake.js
1534,79815,764social_stream-oauth2_serverSocial Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
1620,80068,653proudhonProudhon is a collection of parsers/generators that help enabling federation in Ruby ap...
1745,27654,789omniauth-socialstreamOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Social Stream.
1852,36754,789marte-rubyGem description
1957,44154,789flashyflashy provides helper methods to render flash messages in Rails views. Besides, it pro...
2058,98020,576social2socialThis gem allow you to connect several social stream nodes using PSHB hubs, also allows ...
2159,50819,617sneakerSneaker lets you launch a rails command in multiple capistrano stages simultaneously
2260,99554,789atd-asset_bundlerA Rails Engine that allows you to put assets in app/assets and use a...
2363,71154,789conference_manager-rubyRuby wrapping for Conference Manager.
2478,19954,789paperclip_waveformPaperclip Waveform is a Paperclip post-processor that creates a png file with the wavef...
2597,17354,789atd-ancestryAncestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organised in a tree structure...
26123,64454,789rails_css_themesThis gem allows you to have your themes inside stylesheet/theme. It modifies paths gene...
27127,51454,789google_scholarA web-scraping API to Google Scholar
28138,88354,789omniauth-fiwareOmniAuth strategy for FI-WARE IdM GE.