Rickhull's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,77316,214net-ssh-shellA simple library to aid with stateful shell interactions
213,90230,390buildarBuildar helps automate the release process with versioning, building, packaging, and pu...
320,58335,332mudbugGET, POST, PUT, and DELETE JSON payloads. Easy Accept headers. Fine-grained response ha...
424,63451,323conway_deathmatchSeveral distinct populations competing for survival
526,21151,323lagerShould you use it? Yes.
639,98051,323dotcfgJSON and YAML config serialization and persistence
742,13835,332loremarkovText goes in, markov gibberish comes out
845,80051,323device_inputPure ruby to read input events from the Linux kernel input device subsystem. No depende...
955,50551,323compsciTrees, Heaps, Timers, Error fitting, etc
1058,98135,332runsibleRunsible runs remote commands via net-ssh with retries and alerting
1163,43851,323gitdisShould you use this? YES!
13116,52351,323traveller_rpgMostly based on Traveller SRD
14123,74351,323ballistics-ngBallistics-ng is based (currently) on C code derived from the GNU Ballistics project; t...
17159,71151,323miner_moverFundamentally, we have a set of miners and a set of movers. A miner takes some amount o...
18163,12551,323healthy_options* long and short options * value or not * use equals for value or not * short option sm...
19165,61330,390schnorr_sigPure ruby based on ECDSA gem; separate libsecp256k1 impl
20175,64051,323fitmentUse this tool to fill out your fenders and get flush