Techiferous's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,80141,916tabulousTabulous provides an easy way to add tabs to your Rails application.
226,14915,400rack-plasticIf you are creating Rack middleware that changes the HTML response, use Rack::Pla...
328,05612,386rack-environmentalRack::Environmental indicates which environment your web application is running i...
474,25425,458rack-linkifyAny URLs that occur in the text of the web page are automatically surrounded by a...
586,51641,916environmentalDeprecated. Use rack-environmental instead.
691,54830,305rack-gsubThis is a Rack middleware wrapper for gsub. You can replace text on your web page...
793,35230,305reggiebReggie B. converts colors between hex format and rgb format. It is very forgiving i...