Ciconia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,1429,061polyphonyFine grained concurrency for Ruby
216,05514,968lypLyp is a tool for installing lilypond and managing lilypond packages
319,92617,924lyp-winLyp is a tool for installing lilypond and managing lilypond packages
422,80125,080serversideFast Ruby HTTP Server.
523,48215,711modulationModulation provides an alternative way of organizing your Ruby code. Modulation lets yo...
625,19912,212extraliteExtra-lightweight SQLite3 wrapper for Ruby
726,27084,493assistancelight-weight application support
826,85811,929qeweneyQeweney - cross library HTTP request / response API
931,13128,212lydownLydown is a language and tool for music notation
1032,60316,819tipiTipi - the All-in-one Web Server for Ruby Apps
1137,93816,819papercraftPapercraft: component-based HTML templating for Ruby
1246,52733,052toughguySimple MongoDB ORM
1358,12622,021impressionImpression - a modern web framework for Ruby
1463,600147,291bulkmailRuby bulk-mailer.
1565,34611,781extralite-bundleExtra-lightweight SQLite3 wrapper for Ruby with bundled SQLite3
1667,72940,267rubyoshkaRubyoshka: composable HTML templating for Ruby
1767,86923,369h1pH1P is a blocking HTTP/1 parser for Ruby
1876,01760,549ledScript-based ORM for Redis
1982,55814,490libev_schedulerLibev-based fiber scheduler for Ruby 3.0
2085,818147,291affectAffect: Algebraic Effects for Ruby
2193,19147,929polyphony-httpPolyphony-http: Polyphonic HTTP for Ruby
22115,34634,964everCallback-less event reactor for Ruby
23124,75084,493h2pH2P: HTML in, PDF out
24125,67584,493rbabelAutomatic language translation
25131,766147,291enoEno: Eno is Not an ORM
26136,13671,169rephraseRephrase: a gem for manipulating Ruby code
27159,975147,291egEG: Prototype-based objects for Ruby
28164,329107,887inuitInuit - an HTTP client for Ruby
29168,73284,493htioHtio - a modern HTTP client for Ruby
30175,25084,493qnaQNA - cross library HTTP request / response API
31176,57153,644siropSirop: Ruby code rewriter
32177,60040,267uringmachineA lean, mean io_uring machine
33181,01171,169tp2Experimental HTTP/1 server for UringMachine
34182,03984,493iouio_uring for Ruby