Blakewatters's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,19722,084rakeupRakeUp provides a set of tasks to automate the management of a local Rack based web app...
225,62763,432uispecrunnerProvides a simple Ruby interface for running UISpec iPhone tests
329,35630,305xctasksSimple project automation for the sophisticated Xcode hacker
467,60963,432migration_bundlerMigration Bundler is a complete database schema management system providing migrations,...
572,68363,432objective_specA set of extensions to RSpec for building Rails applications against Objective Spec
674,93625,458resource_controller_extensionsProvides sensible defaults action for XML, JSON, and FBML to Resource Controller.
7129,30063,432monkey_butlerA simple hello world gem