Taf2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,0211,762curbCurb (probably CUrl-RuBy or something) provides Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl(...
216,45941,086rbtaggerA Simple Ruby Rule-Based Part of Speech Tagger
320,50141,086evdispatchBased on libev provides a background event loop for making simulataneous requests
421,43033,893ctmAPI Library for CallTrackingMetrics
522,20961,367acts_as_readonlyableacts_as_readonlyable allows to add read-only slaves DBs to models
636,33261,367speech2textSuper powers of Google wrapped in a nice Ruby interface
740,48641,086redihash keys to intermediate buckets allowing you to more easily scale out to more severs ...
845,27921,627mongrel_esiA small fast ESI HTTP Server built on top of Mongrel
953,18361,367plugemsDependency-management framework built on top of Ruby On Rails
1081,48861,367rmemMeasure approximate process memory
1182,48061,367gdkpixbufRuby/GdkPixbuf2 is a Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x.
1285,77461,367enhanced_migrationsTimestamp based migration support
1392,36161,367plugems_deployPlugems deployment scripts
14119,35461,367rpyMake it easy and fun to run Python within Ruby
15126,65261,367threadsafe_benchmarkAllows for thread-safe benchmarking
16126,87161,367fast_nearest_latlngLocate the nearest location within a set to a given location
17174,1147,346whispercppHigh-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model...