Aupajo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,32416,044middleman-paginationGeneral-purpose pagination support for Middleman pages.
213,73610,030middleman-search_engine_sitemapAdds a sitemap.xml file (following the protocol) to your Middleman site fo...
320,56761,367almanackCombined events calendar for Google Calendar, iCal, and friends.
449,76221,627oulipoOulipo gives you tools to write constrained stories and poems with Ruby.
560,24961,367punky_brewsterWhat's pouring at Punky Brewster?
688,35829,456pdffontsA command-line tool to display fonts embedded inside PDF documents.
7105,67161,367web-ex-eventsAllows fetching and parsing WebEx events through the WebEx API. Events can be queried a...
8106,79629,456rack-slack_request_verificationRack middleware to verify Slack requests made using signed secrets.
9126,55161,367dream-cheeky-ledControl the Dream Cheeky LED Message Board with ASCII art.
10132,30461,367populate-envA command-line tool for populating environment variables
11136,02361,367treedentA command-line tool for formatting indented text like `tree`.