1 | 45,820 | 86,038 | presspass | PressPass is a command-line tool that helps you do WordPress development.
It lets ... |
2 | 48,448 | 86,038 | polarssl | A gem that lets you use the PolarSSL (now mbed TLS) cryptography library with Ruby. |
3 | 49,853 | 23,626 | intercity | Command-line interface for hosting Rails apps on your server. |
4 | 89,068 | 86,038 | auth_activity | Automatic authorisation auditing for your Rails app |
5 | 94,489 | 42,025 | groundcontrol | Groundcontrol powers test builds for Rails projects |
6 | 131,955 | 86,038 | michiels-fog | The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack... |
7 | 135,594 | 86,038 | retention_magic | RetentionMagic is a drop-in gem for instantly generating insightful graphs
that tel... |
8 | 146,168 | 86,038 | cardgate | Provides an easy way to communicate with the cardgate REST API |
9 | 166,952 | 86,038 | etherdev | A clean and simple development framework for Ethereum development and deployment |