Malesca's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9071,711attr_extrasTakes some boilerplate out of Ruby with methods like attr_initialize.
23,9014,228net_http_timeout_errorsProvides a list of Net::HTTP timeout errors.
37,18911,862tracoTranslatable columns for Rails 4.2 or better, stored in the model table itself.
48,1018,315prawn-printAutoprint generated PDFs from Adobe Reader.
511,21361,367testbotTestbot is a test distribution tool that works with Rails, RSpec, RSpec2, Test::Unit an...
611,37641,086geolite2_cityIncludes the free GeoLite2 City database file.
712,36715,060resque-honeybadgerProvides a Resque failure backend that sends exceptions raised by jobs to the Honeybadg...
814,54115,060banktools-seValidate and normalize Swedish bank account numbers, plusgiro and bankgiro.
915,44712,281banktools-gbValidate and normalise United Kingdom bank account numbers.
1017,55861,367banktools-deValidate and normalize German Bankleitzahl (BLZ) and bank account numbers. Also it conv...
1119,27761,367scssPlaceholder gem to tell you that you wanted "sass".
1221,54723,402sieSIE parser and generator
1322,68441,086fixmeComments that raise after a certain point in time.
1426,54561,367go_to_paramRails "go_to" redirection param utilities.
1527,73061,367debitech_soapAn implementation of the DebiTech Java API using pure ruby and the SOAP API.
1628,99361,367formattingRails-less formatting for your unit-testable code.
1730,25241,086prawn_cocktailSimple documents, templates and helpers on top of Prawn.
1840,29833,893excel-esvExcel parsing and generation with the ease of CSV.
1944,43261,367debitechLibrary for doing payments using DebiTech (DIBS)
2045,22061,367i18n_utilsI18n utilities for Ruby on Rails.
2160,12761,367authoA many-stop shop for authentication.
2261,09441,086prawn_cocktail_railsSimple documents, templates and helpers on top of Prawn. In Ruby on Rails.
2389,60061,367bankline_csv_import_fileGenerate Bankline CSV import files.
24105,16629,456pankoBreadcrumb trails the right way: object-oriented outside the controller.
25107,82461,367banktools-atValidate Austrian bank account numbers.
26111,47741,086title_helpersRails title helpers.
27146,07861,367carmencitaWIP: Country name localization. Lightweight version of the Carmen gem.
28146,97561,367uk_account_validator_auctionetValidate UK Account Numbers and Sort Codes