Zedshaw's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9719,755fastthreadOptimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
23,92227,573mongrelA small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps.
33,96722,050gem_pluginA plugin system based on rubygems that uses dependencies only
44,58312,171cgi_multipart_eof_fixFix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing.
510,22820,644iobufferfast buffers for non-blocking IO
611,59978,154mongrel_clusterMongrel plugin that provides commands and Capistrano tasks for managing multiple Mongre...
717,37978,154revRev is a Ruby binding to the libev high performance event library
824,39878,154openssl-nonblockNon-blocking support for Ruby OpenSSL
929,33415,981profligacyProfligacy The Swing Reducer.
1050,08278,154scgiSimple support for using SCGI in ruby apps, such as Rails
1150,67778,154mongrel_statusA sample plugin that reports the status of mongrel.
1250,76878,154mongrel_upload_progressThe mongrel_upload_progress gemplugin
1355,48378,154mongrel_configMongrel plugin that gives you web based config tool using Camping
1458,79978,154rfuzzThe rfuzz web server destructor
1563,23139,550acts_as_searchableacts_as_searchable adds fulltext searching capabilities based on Hyper Estraier to an A...
1682,11545,714captools== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * There are only two tasks * +pull_assets+ can help you download...
1782,20378,154mongrel_consoleProvides a combined Mongrel and Rails IRB console.
1896,27378,154mongrel_experimentalBackports and experimental features for Mongrel.
19123,37878,154twitterizeTwitterize is a quick and dirty hack I did in a few hours to play with the Twitter API ...