Bougyman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,78263,432freeswitcherA library for interacting with the "FreeSWITCH": telephony platform
210,61230,305url_escapeFast replacement for CGI.escape and Rack::Utils.escape
312,62925,458rack_fast_escapeThe Rack Fast Escape library, by The Rubyists, LLC
434,44013,614RailsEditorA screen + vim IDE setup for editing a Rails tree
537,89515,400rideA Multi-User Console Interactive Development Environment Based On GNUScreen
641,66663,432pastr_itA command line program to paste text to
748,21863,432autumnAutumn is a simple and modular irc framework
879,09825,458seedlingA lightweight tool to create new ruby library trees, with helpers to make gemming and m...
997,08763,432cgi_fast_escapeThe Rack Fast Escape library, by The Rubyists, LLC
10109,30963,432FreeSWITCHeR========================================================= FreeSWITCHeR Copyright (c) 20...
11115,19863,432name_parse========================================================= Name Parse Copyright (c) 2009...