Larskanis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12926ffiRuby FFI library
256169mini_portile2Simple autoconf and cmake builder for developers. It provides a standard way to compile...
3104130pgPg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. It works with PostgreSQL 9.3 and later.
42,984764rake-compiler-dockEasy to use and reliable cross compiler environment for building Windows and Linux bina...
55,16314,952fxrubyFXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.
65,3054,428wdmWindows Directory Monitor (WDM) is a library which can be used to monitor directories f...
76,3308,281activerecord-postgresql-adapterThis gem forwards to activerecord's default postgresql adapter
87,8796,211pkcs11This module allows Ruby programs to interface with "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptogr...
910,18710,820ruby-ldapserverruby-ldapserver is a lightweight, pure-Ruby skeleton for implementing LDAP server appli...
1011,07416,628libusbLIBUSB is a Ruby binding that gives Ruby programmers access to arbitrary USB devices
1116,03524,526openglAn OpenGL wrapper for Ruby. opengl contains bindings for OpenGL. Be sure to check out ...
1218,60025,921ruby-openglOpenGL Interface for Ruby
1329,03630,087glutGlut bindings for OpenGL. To be used with the {opengl}[
1429,66743,052gluGlu bindings for the opengl gem, split into a separate gem because of Glu deprecation.
1537,49817,583pg-ldap-syncUse LDAP permissions in PostgreSQL
1642,61772,875pkcs11_protect_serverThis module allows Ruby programs to use vendor extensions for Safenet Protect Server.
1781,46172,875pkcs11_lunaThis module allows Ruby programs to use vendor extensions for SafeNet Luna.
1886,94227,719computableDefine computation tasks with automatic caching and dependency tracking.
1995,78122,372eventboxEventbox is a model of concurrent computation that is used to build thread-safe objects...
2099,40272,875drbarpgA protocol implementation for Distributed Ruby (DRb), supporting connections through a ...
21116,61672,875fxrubiFXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.
22171,21272,875rubyinstaller-buildThis project provides an installer framework for Ruby on Windows based on the MSYS2 too...
23177,83325,921ccrpcSimple bidirectional and thread safe RPC protocol. Works on arbitrary Ruby IO objects.
24181,70672,875win32-registryProvides an interface to the Windows Registry in Ruby
25183,12472,875foxguibGUI builder for the Fox toolkit written in Ruby.
26183,14472,875libguibHelper library for the Fox GUI builder
27183,92343,052mifare-access-condition-builderCalculate the access condition bytes of sectors of Mifare contactless chip cards