Yhara's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
225,46346,897rubysdlRuby/SDL is an extension library to use SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer). This library...
328,35480,049tdiary-style-gfmGFM Style for tDiary
445,50161,626reposhSimple shell for VCS(Version Controll System)s like svn, hg, git, etc.
549,01980,049ovtoOvto is a client-side framework for Opal. You can write single-page apps with Ruby.
651,78146,897dxopalGame development framework for Opal
762,65113,768simple_twitterDead simple client for X (formerly Twitter) API (supports both v1 and v2)
884,20080,049github_streak_checkChecks if you already done today's commit
993,64461,626reacReactive Programming in Ruby
10106,90561,626middleman-hikidocAdd HikiDoc support for middleman (converts *.hd to *.html)
11110,87680,049opal-raphaelOpal binding for Raphael.js (JS vector graphic library).
12114,967163,113ReposhSimple VCS Shell
13127,09680,049textgraphparser of ascii-art graph
14128,055163,113rubiskellRun haskell snippet from ruby
15158,27680,049zanzouProvides DSL for "modifying immutable objects"