1 | 20,243 | 16,068 | feedvalidator | Interface to the W3C Feed Validation online service http://validator.w3.org/feed/ |
2 | 49,400 | 86,038 | picfit | A Ruby library for generating URLs with picfit. |
3 | 60,447 | 26,609 | kahuna_client | A ruby wrapper for Kahuna Push API |
4 | 76,502 | 86,038 | nyc_geo_client | A ruby wrapper for NYCGeoClient API |
5 | 77,935 | 86,038 | edgar-twitter-search | Ruby client for Twitter Search. |
6 | 81,689 | 86,038 | elasticsearch-rails2 | Rails 2.3 ActiveRecord integrations for Elasticsearch |
7 | 119,241 | 86,038 | edgar-rack | Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing
web applications ... |
8 | 124,957 | 86,038 | citibikenyc | A ruby wrapper for Citibikenyc API |
9 | 127,474 | 86,038 | rrdsimple | A simple round robin database pattern via Redis |