Erikh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,7665,999deprecatedAn easy way to handle deprecating and conditionally running deprecated code
24,9356,187dbiA vendor independent interface for accessing databases, similar to Perl's DBI
38,71214,600dbd-odbcODBC DBI DBD
48,71525,716archiveSimple library to manage tar and zip archives with libarchive and FFI
59,61814,205dbd-pgPostgreSQL DBI DBD
612,34161,367libxml-xmlrpcProvides a alternative and faster XML-RPC layer through libxml's parsing framework
714,39461,367rubygems-testThis installs three major features: * a 'gem test' command. * the ability to test ...
814,70661,367grepModule to emulate the 'grep' utility from a unix system
914,81241,086dbd-mysqlMySQL DBI DBD, Leverages 'mysql' low-level driver
1015,03014,600ipRuby classes to work with IP address, ranges, and netmasks
1124,07761,367dbd-sqlite3SQLite 3.x DBD for DBI
1224,92317,333methlabA method construction and validation toolkit.
1326,74833,893epoxyParse binds in SQL or any other data query language, quote, even configure for client-s...
1430,07561,367hoe-reekTasks to integrate the reek code smell engine into your hoe projects
1530,82233,893rdbiRDBI is a rearchitecture of the Ruby/DBI project by its maintainer and others. It inten...
1632,09233,893typelibAn on-demand arbitrary check and conversion library that won't destroy your data.
1738,98161,367chef-workflowA comprehensive rake-based workflow for chef
1839,86261,367Ruby-IRCAn IRC Client library
1939,91729,456micro_fireA micro single room Campfire interface that only depends on Net::HTTP::Persistent and a...
2041,65761,367win32_service_managerA simple wrapper around Win32::Service to present a more 'God' (http://god.rubyforge.o...
2141,94461,367furnishA novel way to do virtual machine provisioning
2243,39061,367vagrant-dslTools for programmatically driving vagrant in rake and in ruby scripts
2345,01561,367knife_cookbook_dependenciesResolves cookbook dependencies
2447,41261,367yamlconfigYAML file based configuration object with an EASY interface
2547,75561,367chef-workflow-tasklibA set of rake tasks provided as discrete libraries for forming a chef workflow
2650,26361,367hashpipeCreate openstructs that are also symbol and string structs! Lock them! Index them! You'...
2751,56061,367furnish-ipGeneric IP allocator for the Furnish provisioning system
2852,81661,367vagrant-prisonA programmatic way to configure and sandbox Vagrant
2954,12261,367talkfiltersRuby interface to GNU Talkfilters
3054,50761,367cartographerAssists in the creation of sitemaps that google, yahoo, etc, use. Has finding, rewritin...
3154,60861,367rdbi-driver-postgresqlPostgreSQL driver for RDBI
3258,52861,367furnish-vagrantFurnish -> Vagrant 1.0.x bridge
3359,68261,367dbd-sqliteSQLite 2.x DBI DBD
3460,49361,367knife_cookbook_syncSync only what's changed -- faster than cookbook upload
3562,76241,086srvany_managerA quick and simple manager for running programs as services on win32. Makes use of / r...
3669,14761,367rfilea read only, line oriented, sparse file class
3770,52325,716palsyAn extremely simple marshalling persistence layer for SQLite based on perl's tie()
3871,88229,456rconRuby class to work with Quake 1/2/3, Half-Life and Source Engine rcon (remote console)
3974,82161,367chef-workflow-testlibTest helpers and assertions for chef-workflow
4076,62233,893whichModule to emulate the 'which' utility from a unix system
4177,06061,367knife-dslA small library that lets you drive Chef's 'knife' programmatically
4279,44561,367vagrant-spatulaVagrant Spatula uses the excellent 'spatula' gem and command-line utility to provision ...
4382,33561,367csvparserAn enumerating, streaming CSV parser that has ORM-like features.
4484,22341,086exception_stringProvides clean exception formatting as a string, which resembles native output formats ...
4584,85661,367rdbi-driver-sqlite3sqlite3 driver for RDBI
4685,53861,367gamequeryRuby class to work with Half-Life and Source Engine "user" queries
4786,82741,086jobA simplistic, atomic job processor that works off the filesystem
4888,38061,367rdbi-driver-mysqlmysql gem-based driver for RDBI
4993,54761,367rdbi-result-driver-jsonJSON result output for RDBI
5093,84361,367svnutilsa read only, line oriented, sparse file class
5194,27161,367rdbi-driver-mockMock Driver for RDBI, used for testing
52107,44661,367unixinfoA small hodgepodge of neat little UNIX API things I like to have access to without shel...
53109,08661,367archive-gemA Ruby Class to extract a gem or parts of a gem - does not require RubyGems to be insta...
54118,28961,367hoe-gemcutterAdds gemcutter release automation to Hoe.
55118,74961,367eyemapProvides a Driver Architecture and Framework for talking to IMAP servers
56119,37261,367xargsModule to emulate the 'xargs' utility from a unix system
57121,65161,367libxml-feedProvides a alternative and faster feed (RSS, Atom, et al) parsing layer through libxml'...
58122,37461,367hoe-roodihoe-roodi is a Hoe plugin to integrate the roodi code smell tool into your hoe projects.
59123,23141,086NGSLib-RFilea read only, line oriented, sparse file class
60123,66661,367rdbi-dbrcImplementation of dbi-dbrc for RDBI
61127,18661,367sendqA library for queues that can only release so much information over a given timespan
62127,36661,367stringformatStringFormat is a string formatter library that's intended to be highly flexible
63129,15661,367vagrant-fixed-sshVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
64134,49861,367furnish-awsAWS provisioners for Furnish
65135,34861,367furnish-sshRun SSH commands as a Furnish Provisioner
66135,41761,367furnish-knife-serverFurnish provisioner for knife-server -- automate a build of a chef-server
67137,59361,367knife-cookbook-syncSync only what's changed -- faster than cookbook upload