1 | 2,134 | 2,047 | minitest-rails | Adds Minitest as the default testing library in Rails |
2 | 2,856 | 3,914 | minitest-rg | Colored red/green output for Minitest |
3 | 3,252 | 5,248 | autotest-suffix | Autotest plugin to enable rails-style test filenames. |
4 | 3,286 | 3,671 | m | Run test/unit tests by line number. Metal! |
5 | 4,636 | 8,683 | minitest-capybara | Capybara matchers support for minitest unit and spec |
6 | 4,656 | 9,840 | minitest-rails-capybara | Adds Capybara feature tests in Minitest and Rails. |
7 | 7,574 | 24,730 | minitest-test | Minitest 5 test API in MiniTest 4 |
8 | 20,857 | 28,870 | minitest-given | Given is a Minitest::Spec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then
terminology ... |
9 | 53,309 | 54,620 | rubyhop | Super awesome Ruby-themed game |
10 | 71,249 | 54,620 | minitest-shouldify | Adding all manner of shoulds to Minitest |
11 | 75,642 | 54,620 | littlebrat | Because kids like to smash buttons |
12 | 129,749 | 54,620 | escape_to_rubyconf | Game built for Writing Games with Ruby presentation at RubyConf 2010. |
13 | 134,630 | 36,248 | clever_sdk | Provides an SDK for interacting wth the Clever API in Ruby |
14 | 160,771 | 54,620 | securerandom-int64 | Generate secure 64-bit integers using the same approach used by UUIDs. |
15 | 168,866 | 54,620 | minibot | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |