#400's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,84963,432beanstalkerBeanstalker is a tool for executing long tasks in background in our rails application.
211,11163,432daemonizerInspired by bundler and rack. Mostly built on top of Alexey Kovyrin's loops code. http:...
352,69163,432glebpom-db-charmerActiveRecord Connections Magic (slaves, multiple connections, etc)
457,52363,432glebpom-async_observerasync_observer provides deep integration with Beanstalk. Fork from http://github.com/kr...
565,00163,432simple-statisticsDSL for statistics
672,92025,458qik-loopsLoops is a small and lightweight framework for Ruby on Rails, Merb and other ruby frame...
7129,40141,916sanderSimple DSL for generation Varnish configs