Manveru's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,6867,601ruportRuby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less t...
28,51410,892acts_as_reportableacts_as_reportable provides ActiveRecord support for Ruby Reports
310,48161,367ramazeRamaze is a simple and modular web framework
410,61233,893url_escapeFast replacement for CGI.escape and Rack::Utils.escape
512,27633,893innateSimple, straight-forward base for web-frameworks.
612,62741,086rack_fast_escapeThe Rack Fast Escape library, by The Rubyists, LLC
716,55161,367ruport-utilruport-util provides a number of utilities and helper libs for Ruby Reports
848,46121,627makuraRuby wrapper around the CouchDB REST API.
973,12829,456nagoroAn extendible and fast templating engine in pure ruby.
1080,75641,086ezamarA light-weight and simple templating engine for Ruby.
1189,01133,893murdochRuby Reports is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious...
1297,08561,367cgi_fast_escapeThe Rack Fast Escape library, by The Rubyists, LLC
13120,18361,367lean-ruportRuport is a powerful report generation engine that allows users to generate custom ERb ...