Zimbatm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,9553,930rack-headers_filterThe goal of this gem is to avoid depending on potentially forgeable headers down th...
29,21041,916pandaPanda Client
312,87763,432linesA log format that's readable by humans and easily parseable by computers.
421,80363,432cidecide is a command-line tool that runs tests in an isolated (docker) environment. It all...
541,87063,432equipmentEquipment is a set of extensions you can use with your Camping apps.
646,94463,432jsonppA really small gem that prints your `curl` output nicely
768,89463,432vagrant-nixos-pluginAdd basic nix configuration provisioning for NixOS guests in Vagrant
881,16025,458rake-plusA collection of rake extensions that are useful all around
989,94863,432namespaceThis module is an experiment to bring namespaces to ruby. Each imported file is loaded ...
1098,45730,305relative-requireThis module changes the meaning of relative requires from "relative to the current pwd"...
11109,03763,432u-logU::Log is a very simple logging library made for humans
12154,55841,916pusher-rubocopPusher flavor of rubocop