Donv's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3271,116bootstrap_formbootstrap_form is a rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-loo...
23,3803,349gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
36,56230,305backlogBacklog is a tool to help you collect and organize all your tasks, whether you are a si...
49,4483,941capybara-screenshot-diffSave screen shots and track changes with graphical diff
510,52341,916activemessagingActiveMessaging is an attempt to bring the simplicity and elegance of rails development...
613,30763,432simple_workflowExpands Ruby on Rails to allow simple breadcrumb detour workflows.
714,0506,984rubotoRuboto (JRuby on Android) is a platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Androi...
814,43812,967rmagick4jRMagick4J =========
917,20463,432activerecord-timeA handler for storing TimeOfDay objects in ActiveRecord objects as sql time values.
1017,84119,893sqldroidSQLDroid is a JDBC driver for Android's sqlite database (android.database.sqlite.SQLite...
1117,86830,305simple_drilldownsimple_drilldown offers a simple way to define axis to filter and group records for ana...
1226,78211,877ruboto-coreObsolete package. Use the "ruboto" gem instead.
1394,66022,084example_gemAn example of a Ruboto-specific RubyGem
14101,94325,458script_relocatorRack middleware to relocate JavaScript tags to the end of an HTML response body. Only h...
15155,65441,916rails_deployerCommon rails deployment tasks for konsernportalen