1 | 15,252 | 47,329 | xnlogic | Graph application framework with xnlogic.com |
2 | 16,036 | 12,984 | pacer | Pacer defines composeable routes through a graph and then traverses them very quickly. |
3 | 26,135 | 17,204 | pacer-neo4j | Neo4J jars and related code for Pacer |
4 | 32,157 | 18,044 | pacer-orient | Orient jars and related code for Pacer |
5 | 37,581 | 74,510 | rangeset | Set operations on ranges and range sets |
6 | 45,131 | 30,170 | objectify-xml | Provides an easy to use DSL resembling ActiveRecord for defining objects
representing a... |
7 | 47,843 | 21,040 | pacer-scale | Generate and produce ranges in scale data structures in the graph |
8 | 53,313 | 25,792 | pacer-xml | XML streaming and graph import for Pacer |
9 | 53,855 | 30,170 | nested_exceptions | Based on ideas in http://exceptionalruby.com/ and the nestegg gem which does not suppor... |
10 | 58,019 | 24,241 | pacer-neo4j2 | Neo4J jars and related code for Pacer |
11 | 74,675 | 74,510 | rfs | Rename File Set is a powerful way to manage large or small sets of files such as mp3 co... |
12 | 87,010 | 33,946 | pacer-parallel | Simple parallel routes in Pacer |
13 | 90,506 | 74,510 | ruby-picasa | Provides a super easy to use object layer for authenticating and accessing Picasa throu... |
14 | 91,505 | 38,694 | pacer-dex | Dex jars and related code for Pacer |
15 | 97,999 | 74,510 | xn_gem_release_tasks | Develop on .pre branches, only allow releases from non-.pre clean, up-to-date master. D... |
16 | 124,585 | 47,329 | pacer-bloomfilter | Bloom filters are fast, compact, probabalistic data structures that allow set filtering... |
17 | 130,330 | 74,510 | template_parser | When you need to parse crazy oldschool ascii reports from mainframes or legacy applicat... |
18 | 144,927 | 74,510 | s3_source | This just fixes the current partial implementation |
19 | 146,969 | 74,510 | xn | XN Logic internal command-line tools |
20 | 164,079 | 74,510 | jruby-kafka-lockjar | Fork of jruby-kafka that uses lockjar instead of ruby-maven |