Jhubert's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,17122,084selectivizr-railsThis selectivizr.js was built using the latest version at https://github.com/keithclark...
216,74841,916acts_as_keyedA simple plugin that automatically generates a key for a model on create. It takes care...
354,68663,432guard-mavenGuard for Maven runs the clean and test commands for a Maven project
467,24663,432time_range_extractorExtract a time range from a block of text.
567,91063,432sluggerizeCreates a slug from the specified column of any model.
674,01063,432csv-i18nSupport translation of CSV parsing errors via I18n
778,90163,432split_testerSplit Tester provides support for A/B Split testing your pages with integration into Go...
890,97363,432hipchat-cliA Ruby Command Line interface for the HipChat API
996,36163,432jhubert_commonA set of common helpers that I use in my projects
10100,42130,305post_to_s3A simple gem for uploading files directly to s3 via a POST command
11106,53963,432github_daily_updateGenerates a daily report from the GitHub API
12150,28430,305domain_firewallRack middleware for whitelisting IP addresses. Allows you to define a custom whitelist ...